Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sarah McLachlan

Deadlines are meant to be broken. And I just keep breaking them.
Sarah McLachlan

Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates.
Sarah McLachlan

I don't tend to question things that much. If it feels right, I go for it.
Sarah McLachlan

I don't think about what other people want from me.
Sarah McLachlan

I go out on the road for much longer than I probably should and lose more of myself than I should.
Sarah McLachlan

I kind of have a happy magnet. I can't stand being depressed, so I work my ass off to get out of it as soon as possible.
Sarah McLachlan

I play piano every day.
Sarah McLachlan

I sort of feel like music saved my life when I was young. This is the one thing that I knew I was good at.
Sarah McLachlan

I think a lot of contemplation happens in bathtubs. It does for me. Nothing like a hot bath to ease the tension and think about what's going to happen next.
Sarah McLachlan

I think I've become a much better singer and a much better player. Years and years of playing a couple of hours every day will do that.
Sarah McLachlan

I think often sadness is a great place to get songs from.
Sarah McLachlan

I try so hard to live in the moment - I don't think ahead very much.
Sarah McLachlan

I was a pretty insecure kid, didn't have a lot of friends, and was picked on a lot, and music gave me confidence.
Sarah McLachlan

I write music all the time. When I talk about having writer's block, it's more to do with lyrics than anything else.
Sarah McLachlan

I'm not a media darling. I'm not on the cover of all these magazines. I just quietly do my thing.
Sarah McLachlan

I'm really lucky that my record companies have been patient with me and leave me alone and give me the time to make it right in my mind.
Sarah McLachlan

I've always been incredibly lucky that the music that I make, other people like it.
Sarah McLachlan

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to go crazy. I don't party like I used to.
Sarah McLachlan

I've heard myself referred to as a quiet superstar, and I don't quite know what that means.
Sarah McLachlan

I've never done heroin, but I totally understood what would drive people to that distraction-to need that so much.
Sarah McLachlan

1 comment:

  1. If you love large, you've got to hurt large. If you've got a lot of light, you've probably got an equal amount of darkness.
    Sarah McLachlan

    It's a big challenge for me to keep my integrity and some of my privacy intact.
    Sarah McLachlan

    It's a very romantic sentiment, but to think that you would die if you didn't write, well, I would definitely choose to not write and live.
    Sarah McLachlan

    It's an amazing luxury to say I'm 31 years old and I'm gonna take a year off. That's pretty amazing.
    Sarah McLachlan

    Nothing outside of my child is important.
    Sarah McLachlan

    People's ignorance really pisses me off. Stupidity is when you can't help it-ignorance is when you choose not to understand something.
    Sarah McLachlan

    The more we take the less we become, the fortune of one man means less for some.
    Sarah McLachlan

    They are very personal, emotional songs - people react to them very strongly.
    Sarah McLachlan

    'Time after Time' is one of the best pop songs ever written, in my opinion. It's an incredible, beautiful, timeless song.
    Sarah McLachlan

    Time is a beautiful thing. It's like when you meet an old lover on the street six years later and they don't look so ugly anymore.
    Sarah McLachlan

    Trying to force creativity is never good.
    Sarah McLachlan

    Water is very forgiving. Everything lifts in water.
    Sarah McLachlan

    We showed the industry that female artists could attract the same audiences as the big male stars.
    Sarah McLachlan

    We try to create this interesting appearance to make ourselves feel better about ourselves.
    Sarah McLachlan
